فاعلية بيئة تعلم شخصية في تنمية مهارات صيانة الحاسب الآلي لدى طلاب تكنولوجيا التعليم

The objective of the present research to Defining the skills of computer maintenance necessary to the educational technology students and Providing a suggested vision of the personal learning environment for developing these skills among the educational technology students and The Effect of the Personal Learning Environments for Developing the Computer Maintenance Skills among Educational Technology Students Search results 1- There are statistically significant differences at the level ≤ (0.05) between the mean scores of students in the research group of tribal application and post test cognitive skills associated with computer maintenance in favor of the dimensional application. 2- There are statistically significant differences at the level ≤ (0.05) between the mean scores of students in the research group of tribal application and post card observation skills associated with computer maintenance in favor of the dimensional application. It can be explained by the previous results as follows:  ability of personal e-learning environments to provide interaction and cooperation between its users, some of whom helped develop the computer skills of automated maintenance for the students of educational technology.  interesting personal learning environment by providing feedback between students and each other in all personal e-learning environments because of their active role in the consolidation of the information to the sender of the feedback and help in the development of automated computer maintenance skills for students of educational technology.  appropriateness of personal e-learning for individual differences among students tools environment and helped them to acquire the required skills for performing computer maintenance skills for students of educational technology.  employ personal learning diverse multimedia environment "texts, still images, video footage" helped to achieve the learning objectives targeted. In light of the search results, and discussed, and their interpretation, it was some of the proposed recommendations and research that may help in the recruitment of personal learning environments in education mode: Recommendations:  directing education technology students to study topics related to personal e-learning environments and work out how to employ them in a practical way.  provide training for faculty members for training on the employment of personal learning environments in the educational process.  benefit from the results of field research at the experimental electronic content for personal learning environments design.
